Trouble Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding...sometimes easier said than done!The birthing process is amazing, but it can place extreme stresses on a baby's spine and spinal cord.These stresses can cause shifting within the infant's spine, called vertebral subluxations.If an infant won't nurse, or will only nurse comfortably on one side, they should be checked for an underlying structural shift of the spine as a possible cause.What corrects this?Chiropractic!Successful breastfeeding requires that an infant's entire neuromuscular system is functioning well.In other words, the mechanics behind breastfeeding need proper input from the nervous system to work correctly.Check out the results of this fantastic study:78% of 114 infants with nursing difficulties were able to breastfeed after 2-5 chiropractic adjustments within a 2-week period.Breastfeeding may not have to be that difficult after all. :-)